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New visitors to Tower Farm

Advanced booking is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience for all of our clients. We are unable to accommodate riders without a prior booking. Please book directly on ECpro. It allows you to book up to 12 hours prior to any session. If the time frame is shorter, please email us directly or call us and we can try to book you in.

View How to register and Book a lesson.

Tower Farm was featured on CBBC 'Junior Vets' in 2013 and 2015.

Welcome to Tower Farm Riding Stables

On this website, you will find information about the lessons and rides we have, timetables and prices. Experienced riders can find out more about our Braid Hills Rides, Common Rides, information about our latest competitions.

Riding is a fun and rewarding activity and horses are beautiful, but they are large and can be unpredictable. Before you start riding, you need to know that riding is a risk sport. However, it does not need to be any more dangerous than any other risk sport when the rider takes precautions. Although it is impossible to eliminate all risks, by following these simple rules for horse riding safety, the possibility of injury can be greatly reduced.

  • Riding hats or helmets MUST be worn at all times when riding, and are paramount to safety. It must conform to standards BSI with secured chin strap. We can provide riding hats to current BSI regulations free of charge if you need to borrow them. They are available in the arena.
  • Wear properly fitting footwear with a small heel to prevent your foot from slipping through the stirrup. NO flat-sole shoes. No trainers. NO open-toe footwear. We have various sizes of short boots available to use in the arena free of charge.
  • Wear appropriate clothing – preferably made from comfortable stretchy material e.g. jodhpurs, leggings, trackies. Note that jeans can be uncomfortable.
  • Absolutely nothing should flap. No loose scarves.
  • Excessive jewellery should be removed and nothing that could get caught like hoop erarrings.
  • We insist all under 16 yrs wear body protector for jumping but strongly recommend everyone wears one. We have them available to use in the arena free of charge.
  • DO NOT mount your horse until an instructor is present.
  • Please advise staff of any relevant medical complaint.
  • If you require assistance, please ask a member of staff.

Please make contact by phone or email if you have any questions. If only able to make contact in person, you can report to the office but please note that the office is not always staffed.

Recommended ages

For safety we recommend children should be:

Private/Group lesson

from 4 years

1 hour ride

from 8 years

Pony ride

from 3 to 8 years

We have insurance in place for any age but these are our guidelines to make riding enjoyable and safe.

We recommend all riders have their own personal accident policy.

Please view our Photography & Recording policy.

Hope to see you soon,

    - all the staff and ponies at Tower Farm.

 Proprietor: Caroline Buckle BA, BHS II, TRSSCO, PC'A'

(c) Tower Farm Riding Stables. All rights reserved.