Click here to download the conditions of livery. Click here to download the livery agreement.
Please register Owners and Horses on ECpro. £17.50 discount for Group and Private lessons. Please ask for code.
Full livery: extras
No extra bedding/hay/feed to be taken without consent from a manager. Any 'extras’ will be charged appropriately. Liveries during summer months can use a stable with a ‘day bed’ please skip our stable and remove personal belongings each day. Liveries supply their own hard feed in summer months. If you would like to use Tower Farm's, please discuss separately. All hay and straw throughout the year included in prices shown although if extra required for shows etc these will be charged at £5 per a net. Horses staying in overnight will be charge full livery rate. Horses will be brought in for farrier and vet free of charge all year. In summer if you would like you horse brought in, please give 24 hours notice and a charge of £3 will be made. Any on the day bookings will be charged at £6.We are not always able to bring in/put back out horses but will try and accommodate if possible.. Farrier paid directly. Clipping (Extras provided by Tower Farm. Incl. VAT)
Plaiting (Extras provided by Tower Farm. Incl. VAT)
Dentist to be given in cash prior to day anyone wishing us to provide as service and invoiced will be charged VAT. The use of arenas, lights and jumps are free of charge for all Tower Farm Liveries. Please switch off lights and leave arenas as you found them. The Front arena is not suitable for jumping or lunging. Please remove droppings from indoor arena. Please report any breakages of jumps. Hard hats must be worn whilst around horses and catching/turning out. Correct footwear and headwear must be worn whilst riding or lunging Please report and breakages or safety concerns immediately to management. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Proprietor: Caroline Buckle BA, BHS II, TRSSCO, PC'A' (c) Tower Farm Riding Stables. All rights reserved. |