Please make contact by phone or email. If only able to make contact in person, you can report to the office but please note that the office is not always staffed.
For online booking: You are able to book group lessons, private/semi private lessons, Braid rides and pony rides. The system allows you to book up to 12 hours prior to any session. If the time frame is shorter, please call us or send an email to the address below and we can try to to book you in.
For other enquiries:
General enquiries. Please provide a phone number as many enquiries are better to discuss by phone.
To contact management:
Please include a contact number.
Monarch and Duke on Parade at the Perth Salute (August 2024)
Proprietor: Caroline Buckle BA, BHS II, TRSSCO, PC'A'
(c) Tower Farm Riding Stables. All rights reserved.